Our New Home ---- Idaho ----- How Beautiful !!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Cookie day!

Well, we took this week off of school to be sure and be prepared for the big day!!! Today was the day of baking cookies....and messing up the kitchen! Lots of baking done-Brownies, Chocolate Chocolate Chip cookies, Snickerdoodles, Sugar Cookies and Candy Cane Cookies, of course (a family tradition) A huge dinner for Dad and all of our gifts wrapped and ready to go. It doesn't get much better than that.

As our day unfolded, I realized how many opportunities for school I ran into today. Fractions, following directions, estimation, follow through, tons of opportunities! Yes, we took the week off of our formal school books, but we have focused on character building and understanding the true meaning of Christmas. I have realized how giving our children are...straight from the heart. They are truly ecstatic to have their Daddy home for Christmas. WHAT A BLESSING! Thank you Lord-Thank You.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Here's to true friends...

It happened again tonight...my very close friend somehow knew that I had a really trying day. She managed to once again send me the encouragement that I so badly needed and as a result, fed my spirit. There is something very special about our friendship and it seems that she has a direct line with our creator and He guides her to be there for me. I guess we homeschool Moms must be somehow connected in this whole thing. However, if it weren't for her-I wouldn't be a homeschool Mom...Thanks so much Shell, you opened my heart to this and without you I may have lost my children to the world. But because of you and your husband's love-I have the ability to guide and mold my children in grace and love for the Savior. Be well and be at peace.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Anxiously awaiting his arrival...

Today was eventful to say the least-Being up well before the sun was not quite what I had planned-but, then again, what's a plan if there are not people under 3 feet tall to change it for you.

Around lunchtime, the children came to me and said, "We're finished with school-can we clean out the garage?" As I picked myself up off the floor, I inquired, "WHY?!" (probably not the most eloquent of all answers...) They responded with, "Dad is coming home tomorrow, and with all he does for us-we want to bless him. What better to come home to than his favorite room-CLEAN!" (Of course, don't worry about the rest of the house-he'll NEVER notice THAT!) So, they began on the garage...they took EVERYTHING out! And about the time EVERYTHING was out it was time for "MOOMMM-can you help us?" Needless to say, we ate dinner around 7:30 or 8:00 PM. Regardless, the garage is-dare I say-spotless! What a wonderful blessing for their Daddy.

The fact that school was finished at lunchtime was the best part for me! In addition to that-all three of the younger children napped! WAHOOOOO! It was like a mini vacation. I was able to cook up a huge pot of chicken soup and a huge pot of chili to freeze, therefore making it easier on myself on the days that get to be REALLY long. (Yes, it does happen!)

Our garden produced major amounts of chilis this year-green and yellow-so we have really enjoyed the fresh tastes in our cooking. We're hoping this spring to increase the size of our garden. It has really been great to be able to sustain our family so long on our garden harvest-we still have plenty!

I'm looking forward to tomorrow as Dear Daddy will be able to take in the fresh air and ground himself. We will be spending alot of time outside I'm sure. However, as you all know-cookies will be a must for his arrival.


Thursday, December 7, 2006

The Beginning

OK, here it is...the very first post to our Blog...

Waking up in the country is entirely different than living in the suburbs-yes, we do hear a rooster and yes, the first thing I do (even though it is dark) is look out the window at the gorgeous mountains around us. The move we made here was the best thing we could have ever done for our family. The children have excelled and are so happy here it is wonderful.

I cannot believe what living on a farm nestled in a beautiful valley of mountain ranges and disconnecting the television has done for their minds! When there's not TV or video games to turn to, they are forced to create, use their hands and most of all, develop their talents.I know everyone thought we were crazy for moving to a rural farm area-but the results are amazing.

Our intentions with this move were first and foremost for our children and their futures. We wanted to teach them to be self sufficient and learn to create security for their own families one day. Secondly, we wanted our life to slow down a little so that we could focus on what is truly important in this life. And third, to be in a place that was small and intimate.


We live in a place where everyone that drives by waves and smiles-and truly care. We can go downtown to the post office and we are called by name. It is truly a dream for us. There is nothing like walking around your acreage just to ground yourself. Or to walk out on a winter morning and find deer tracks in your front yard. It is truly peaceful here.

As a side effect, we have the greatest amenities...an ice cream shop with delicious ice cream where the whole family can get premium ice cream under five dollars and all go to a movie for ten dollars! (we have a large family!), We can buy fresh cheeses, and grow anything right here at home.

A little about us...we are a home schooling family of 8 and truly want our children’s education to be centered on their spiritual life. Something that is not easy to accomplish in the city or suburbs...getting back to basics was a must for us. Dad is directly involved with the children and has a strong relationship with each and every one of them. He makes a lot of sacrifices to ensure that the children have everything they could possibly need while still continuing to mold them and direct them in the most Godly and righteous way one could imagine. We are truly blessed to have him. Mom is at home and teaching 24 hours a day (sometimes literally!) not only in an educational sense, but to ensure that our children are raised to be self sufficient, skilled adults that contribute to society-not just receive.As time goes on, we will continue to keep everyone up on what's the latest and greatest from our homestead. Blessings!