Our New Home ---- Idaho ----- How Beautiful !!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I'm back in action...

Well, I know it's been a really lonnggg time, but, I'm back in action. Things have changed big time!!!!!!!!

First things first, Our prayers go out to the many people in our lives right now that need them. Jim, Barb and the family, The Rodman Family, The Leggiwe family, My parents, the list goes on and on...I love you all and you are in my prayers CONSTANTLY. Know this, the Lord knows your hearts and knows exactly what He is doing...TRUST IN HIM...his plan is much better than any of ours could ever be.

As for us...we are going through our daily routine finally. Yet another move kind of disrupted us for a while-however, we are here where the Lord has taken us for now and are living close by people that we love dearly and are allowing our Lord to "Take the Wheel".

The children are happy and adjusting wonderfully while we try to move toward stability. They are so resilient it amazes me. However, they continue to shine and are more wonderful than ever to be around. We are SO blessed.

That's it for tonight-I'll post frequently-I promise. I'm kind of wiped out after this weekend so maybe after a good night sleep I can be more creative-TUNE IN TOMORROW!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Our plates runneth over...

Well, it has officially happened...we are now the new leaders of the wolves in the scouting program! It was inevitable, wasn't it? Today was our first meeting - yikes! What a group of spirited young boys! But, we're ready for 'em. Today just happened to be cookie baking day and the sugar really helped us out! (just kidding!)

Life is never dull here. Today, for example-here is our agenda...

Awakened, showered and the marathon began. The little boys room got completely cleaned top to bottom-under the bed, closet-the whole enchilada...lunch, then to 7 dozen cookies...then pack meeting...then meeting with some ladies in the area...then, in the door-out the door to pick up food for dinner - had to run out to the market to find something REALLY fast-cooked dinner,baths and showers, baby to bed, clean kitchen other kids to bed (intermingle 8 loads of laundry) .... yada, yada, yada...like I said-NEVER DULL...but what a great opportunity to be able to head up scouts and be involved in our boys' lives.

Getting settled into our life is really agreeing with me.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I'm back!

Well, it has been quite some time since I posted any information...life has been moving at warp speed in the Hawkes' nest. Soccer season nearly was the death of me...but it is now closed. Next, baseball!

We are continuing to grow and change, Carissa is now trying to walk! How quickly it goes. She is now our full-time vacuum cleaner - what a challenge that is! However, she still lights up the room with her abundant smiles!

Springtime here is phenomenal! What beauty, what fresh air! I can't believe how pretty everything looks - and GREEN! We just got our garden in and it is enormous. Last year it did so well, we decided to expand and BOY, did we expand. Pretty close to half an acre of garden - wahoo!

Robert is in deliberation in regards to some pretty big business deals right now...all of a sudden, he is IN DEMAND! Let's hope things work out and he can do what he has always dreamed of doing. What a blessing that would be for us all! (A little prayer could never hurt!)
I'll keep ya posted!

Monday, February 12, 2007

All better!

OK, finally after 3 or 4 weeks, we are all feeling much better...gotta love when flu strikes---whipping through the house with no mercy. YUCK-O! Thank heavens we fought it valiantly and with at least a little dignity.

Things are wonderful here. Dad is home and beginning his new venture this week-what a blessing that is! Things are beginning to return to normal. I am totally enjoying my early morning today-my sweet miracle baby woke me WAY too early (can't be too upset with that HUGE smile she flashes) but I look at it as opportunity - to...get a few extra moments to get ahead of the brood. I really am TRYING to become a morning person.

It looks like spring will be early this year. Time to begin planning the garden. I SO love the garden-this year the children will be planting their own garden aside from the family garden. They'll plant from seed as well-can't wait to see how it fairs. If all goes well, who knows, this year personal garden-next year Hawkes Farmer's Market. The opportunities are endless!

Well, we finally put our stamp on our home - After an entire year
(most of you probably can't believe it took this long...longest time ever!)
THE PAINT WENT ON!!!...(always a good thing!) Can you tell Daddy's home? He toiled night and day all weekend long to finish this project and let me tell you-WOW-it looks beautiful. It is fascinating how much paint can change the feel of a home...goodbye sterile hospital , hello warm inviting home and kid friendly scrubbable walls! YAY! He never ceases to amaze me- what a blessing he is to my life. I am so grateful to have him home again. The Lord's grace is abundant.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

OK...after a long and wonderful holiday season-life is returning to "the norm". What exactly that means, I am not sure. However, school is back in session (all day long) and my life is continuing in circles. However, this year, we have iplemented a schedule. Let's hope and pray that it helps my sanity.

We are now planning out our new "expanded" version of our garden. It was so wonderful this past year that we have decided to supersize it. With any luck it will continue to supply our ever so growing family with mucho food next year too. We are still reaping the benefits of our last harvest.

This year should prove to be a very eventful one-then again, what year isn't for us. Boy do we have some interesting ideas up our sleeves! Our school schedule is grueling as well as our personal growth ideas. Keep the prayers and love coming-they are helping. We owe all we have and all we do to our Creator-and glory be to Him.

Our plan for this week is to plan out the new garden, and to plan the master plan of the acreage out back...stay tuned!