Our New Home ---- Idaho ----- How Beautiful !!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Back again!

OK, I told you I'd be more regular, here I am! I have some new photos to share...I drafted all of our offspring to help "spruce up" tonight...It went remarkably well since Nick made it a game for everyone. It's amazing how that works...Matty vacuumed the kitchen floor for us while Lauryn did some dusting...Michael picked up the hallway floor and the other two boys, well, looked good! Carissa, of course, just brought everyone a big smile.

In reflection of today, I finally felt a little less like a pregnant woman and actually got some things done. Our countertops are now visible and the floors are not sticky. (A large accomplishment when your yard is all DIRT!) My wonderful other half is out doing his leading and training in his, well, "MAN CAVE" and really moving forward. I am so proud of Him. I have been so truly blessed.

School went really well today. I sat down to teach David about Pronouns and asked him this question, "David, tell me anything you know about pronouns." His response, "Oh, you mean, he,she, it, them, us , she, he and all those? OK...I am sooo not needed here. I swear that boy learns by OSMOSIS! Just when I think I cannot be enough Mom to teach all of them and do the other stuff-something like that happens and I know my Lord is right by my side cheering me on. Now if I could just keep receiving that encouragement daily, no hourly, no each minute...

My next big project that I'd like to tackle is to actually organize my "desk area". Any great advice on how to do that without a major tsunami (child) rolling through the other rooms in the house would be helpful.

The house is finally starting to come together. We still have alot to put together, but we have made alot of progress. Lauryn's room is almost done...just need to do texture, paint, trim and doors. I think she's pretty anxious for the doors...seeing as we can't tell who is stealing her things and leaving them all over the house and yard. That is not such a good thing for Miss Lauryn-she gets a little "upset".

That's all for tonight...love you all and would love to hear from you.


Michelle and Adam said...

It is so great to get to see you all in action and smiling. What are you feeding those kids? They are growing up so big and beautiful. What is Robert building in the picture behind Lauryn? I can tell by the sound of your voice (I hear it) in your writing that you are joyful and peaceful. We are blessed indeed friend. Miss you all.

Steven said...

Wow send them over. I have crumbs in my silverware drawer that no one wants to admit are there, so they don't have to clean it. I'm sure Nick could find a way to rally the troops to clean that fun part of the "game" up. Love you guys, Tish